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ACTION REQUIRED: UHPA is upgrading member-only content technology

Starting on May 31, 2017 UHPA, upgraded the technology behind its member-only content systems by transitioning to Google Docs.

During this transition stage, new content was published on both systems: the now-removed member-only site as well as the new Google Docs infrastructure.  On June 1, 2018, our existing member-only content system were no longer be accessible and all member-only content will be available only on the Google Docs infrastructure.

Since we’re using Google Docs, you will need to have your email address registered with UHPA. If that address is not already a Gmail account, you’ll need to register your email address as a Google account which is a simple and no-cost operation that lets you use your existing email address to access Google Docs.

Please take the time now to follow a detailed step-by-step how-to page that you can use to confirm your access to our new member-only content system on Google Docs so that when our transition is complete by June 1 you will not have any disruptions in document access.

Of course don’t hesitate to contact our office or email us if you need any assistance.