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The Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor
The Senate Committee on Ways and Means
Thursday, March 30, 2017
9:50 am, Room 211

Attention: Chairs Gilbert Keith-Agaran and Jill Tokuda, Vice Chairs Karl Rhoads and
Donovan Dela Cruz and Members of the respective Committees

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) supports HB 847, HD1. The purpose of this bill is to codify through placement into statute, that which is currently an Ethics Code Advisory Opinion (No. 1992-2) that allows faculty members to advance technology transfer activities at the University of Hawai‘i without penalties for commercializing their work which financially benefits the University. UHPA believes this proposed legislation will make it clear that technology transfer is recognized appropriately in state law.

HB 847, HD1 would ensure the long-standing ethical research principles and technology transfer regulations currently used by the federal government.  This also supports the ability of the University to be competitive for external research funding and attracting and retaining innovative faculty.

This benefits both the State and the University by removing current uncertainties surrounding the Advisory Opinion.  HB 847, HD1 provides an effective and efficient transfer of the results of research in a collaborative manner.

UHPA supports the passage of HB 847, HD1.

Respectfully submitted

Kristeen Hanselman
Executive Director