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HB 424, HD1, Proposed SD1 Relating to The University of Hawaii

The Committee on Higher Education and the Arts
Committee on Government Operations
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
1:20 pm, Room 414

Attention:  Chairs Kai Kahele and Donna Mercado Kim, Vice Chairs Michelle Kidani and
Russell Ruderman and Members of the Committee

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) urges the committee to support HB 424, HD1 proposed SD1.  Part I reinstates the authority and responsibility for all procurement contracts under chapter 103D, Hawaii revised Statutes, to the University President.

The ability of the University to expedite construction needs for repair and maintenance as well as new construction is essential to enhancing instruction and research as well influencing recruitment and retention. The University President should have both the authority and the accountability for procurement.

Part II, Section 6 speaks to the importance of faculty having direct and viable input into the “internal organization and management of the university.”  Our concern relates to the university continuing to believe that employees must have special policies directed at their participation on the Board of Regents.  These individuals have already been vetted and confirmed by the Senate.  This should suffice for their participation; they are adults who have been briefed by the Ethics Commission.  There is no need to establish different standards of behaviour than is applied to all members of the Board of Regents. UHPA recognizes the Committee Chair’s desire to ensure that the employee’s voice is heard and acted upon by the Board of Regents.

UHPA urges the committee to support HB 424, HD1 proposed SD1.                                                                     

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristeen Hanselman
Executive Director