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GM 60 Chairperson and Representative of the Public of the Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board

The Senate Committee on Labor
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Room 225
2:45 p.m.

RE: GM 60  Chairperson and Representative of the Public of the Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board

Attention: Chair Jill Tokuda, Vice Chair Kalani English and Members of the Committee

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) supports the confirmation of Marcus Oshiro, as the Chairperson and Representative of the Public of the Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board.

Representative Oshiro brings an appreciation for the role that collective bargaining has played in meeting the needs of public employers while addressing the necessary employee protections and compensation needed to attract and maintain a skilled workforce throughout the state. He has demonstrated he possesses insight and creativity in meeting the changing nature of employer and employee relations as the political and economics of public environment undergo significant stress.

His time as a member of the Hawai‘i State Legislature provides him with a unique understanding of the Statutes that govern the process and procedures involved in Chapter 89.  

UHPA urges the Committee to confirm Marcus Oshiro as the Chairperson and Representative of the Public of the Hawai‘i Labor Relations Board.


Respectfully Submitted,
Kristeen Hanselman
Executive Director