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Unprecedented Actions to Reduce Teaching Equivalencies (TE) at Kapiolani CC

UHPA was notified by Chancellor Pagotto of a significant cut in Teaching Equivalencies (TE) for Spring 2020 due to fiscal problems at Kapiolani CC. These reductions affect a large number of faculty members and is without precedence. TE’s constitute work responsibilities that are part of your compensation and conditions of work. These reductions may impact delivery of instruction and support for students along with diminished employment for some employees. The impact of these measures is not fully known.

UHPA was not consulted before the implementation of TE reductions nor did Chancellor Pagotto request negotiations on changes in compensation and working conditions that are impacted by the action being taken.

UHPA considers this a very serious matter and is preparing to take the necessary steps to ensure that faculty members are protected from harmful employer actions that undermine your job security, compensation and working conditions.

UHPA has requested that the UH System administration intervene immediately to address the fiscal situation and stop the unilateral reduction of TE’s. Further this requires the employer and UHPA to meet and negotiate on these matters. The employer needs to meet its legal obligations.