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Victoria Fan Nominated as Faculty Stepping up to the Challenge of COVID-19

Submitted Nomination:

NameVictoria Fan
Campus, DeptManoa, Public Health
CategoryAssisting the local response focusing on synergizing efforts on PPE
Why is this faculty member worthy of your nomination?Victoria Fan has supported the Behavioral Health and Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group (BHHSURG) which has:
Tracking federal guidance and translating to clinical and operational guidance for providers as the COVID-19 situation evolves to ensure continuity of care and coverage while maintaining safety
Coordinating and responding to support and supply requests for BHH providers including for PPE
Developing screening tools for COVID-19 testing aligned to DOH testing guidance and for access to BHH services and more

Please note that this published nomination has been minimally edited, if at all, and strictly reflects the views of the submitting author and not UHPA.

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