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UHPA news from week ending 12/21

Bargaining Update

Successor Bargaining

Negotiations for a successor UHPA/BOR Unit 7 Agreement continues with another meeting scheduled for Monday, December 21, 2020.  Check our website for latest updates.

Retirement Incentive

UHPA has still not received a formal response from the State’s Chief Negotiator Ryker Wada, Governor David Ige, and the State’s Attorney General over the draft MOU.  We continue to remain hopeful that the Employer revisits this matter for further review and consideration.  Any future updates on this topic will be announced via our Monday report.  You may also browse previous Monday reports to get a historical sense of how this topic has fared. 

Budget Update

  • Governor Ige’s budget has been rescheduled for release on Monday, December 21, 2020.
  • The UH Board of Regents has not scheduled a meeting for December, 2020.