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UHPA news from week ending 12/28

Bargaining Update

Mid-term bargaining and proposed furloughs

Refer to 12/23/20 UHPA Article “UHPA Sues Gov. Ige For Mandating Furloughs.”

Successor Bargaining

Negotiations for a successor UHPA/BOR Unit 7 Agreement continues with another meeting scheduled for Monday, December 28, 2020. 

Retirement Incentive

There are no new updates or additional information on this matter. 

Budget Update

The Governor rolled out the State Budget this week (University of Hawai‘i). There is a HOLD on the budget due to the Congressional passage of the Appropriation Bill.  Contained in the bill is a COVID Relief Package.  Senator Schatz’s office sent us this message:

There’s $22.7 billion nationally for colleges and universities under the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund in the COVID relief package. That money can be used to: “defray expenses associated with coronavirus 23 (including lost revenue, reimbursement for expenses already incurred, technology costs associated with a transition to distance education, faculty and staff  trainings, and payroll).” 

The next step is for the President of the United States to sign the Bill into law!

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