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Monday Report is Morphing

This will be the last planned Monday Report.

In its place will be a combination of a “News Flash” email which will be sent immediately upon release in conjunction with a “Monthly Newsletter” which lists all news published in the previous month. 

To be replaced by the News Flash 

The Monday Report was a great tool for weekly updates on a collection of issues but sometimes an article that was immediately relevant had to wait until the following Monday to be released.  A News Flash will be sent to the Bargaining Unit the morning after it is published, and that along with the Newsletter will be an easy way for everyone to catch up on what was published. 

Better, faster, and more relevant

UHPA Executive Director Christian Fern said, “The Monday Report has served us well, but we wanted to immediately distribute news when it breaks as well as keep you informed about news you may have missed. We feel the combination of News Flash and Monthly News will serve this dual purpose”.

Both the News Flash and Monthly newsletter will be coming soon to your inbox!