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The State of Hawaii – HHFDC Offers a Buyer Incentive for Teachers

HHFDC Launches Zero Interest Mortgage Program for Units at Modea  The State of Hawaii – Hawaii Housing Finance Development Corporation (HHFDC) recently launched a new zero interest mortgage program that will pay 50% or more of your down payment.  This offer is available to Teachers, Nurses, Police Officers, and Agricultural Workers who intend to be an owner occupant for [...]

UHPA Endorses House Candidates

After conducting extensive interviews with candidates running for the House seats in the upcoming election, UHPA’s Legislative Action Committee (LAC) has made the following endorsements for the 2024 elections: Jeanne Kapela, House District 5 Kirstin Kahaloa, House District 6 Kyle Yamashita, House District 12  Adrian Tam, House District 24 Jenna Takenouchi, House District 27 Darius Kila, House District 44 [...]

Save the Date: UHPA’s 10th Annual Disney Aulani Weekend – Nov 1-3, 2024!

What has now become an annual event repeats this year.  UHPA members enjoy an exclusive offer of discounted rates at the Aulani Resort below published kama’aina rates. While our special rates are in effect for November 1-3, you can reserve dates up to 5 days before or after our special rate days.   Keep your calendars clear and look to [...]

REMINDER: UHPA Workshop – May 23rd: Differences Between Union Negotiations and Union Consultations

Aloha UHPA Faculty Members, This is a reminder that on Thursday, May 23, 2024, UHPA will be holding a workshop focused on understanding the differences between union negotiations and union consultations as prescribed by law and embodied within the contract, including how they can intersect with academic consultation and academic governance. See below for details.  Light refreshments will be [...]

UH Budget Cuts Don’t Make Financial Sense

Certain state legislators are notorious for biting the hands that feed them and the state. They over-crunch the numbers on the UH budget that curtail operations on the very things that generate revenue for the state. Short-sighted budget cuts to the UH have severe repercussions. These cuts hinder research that benefits our island home, adversely affects local jobs, and [...]

UHPA Supports AFT’s Endorsement of Biden/Harris Ticket

The most important election in our lifetime Do you cherish academic freedom, tenure, and worker rights? Do you believe in science? Do you believe in democracy and justice?  If you said yes, you know the next five months will be filled with the most important and critical moments in our collective lifetime and modern history.  We face an existential [...]