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Guide To Voting in the 2022 Primary Election

The August 13, 2022 Primary Election will be the second election year Hawai‘i will experience an ALL MAIL-IN Ballot election and same day voter registration.  That said, there are exceptions to every rule.  In order to accommodate the needs of all of Hawai‘i’s people there are Service Centers and Ballot Drop Box locations on every Island.  We have outlined a step-by-step voter information guide for all UHPA members to provide quick access to information, registration forms and contact information to ensure you have every opportunity to participate in the 2022 election process.

  1. You can vote if you are: 
    •  A U.S. Citizen (US nationals DO NOT qualify)
    • 18 years or older
    • A resident of the State of Hawai‘i
  2. Are you a registered voter?
    • Confirm your voter registration is active
      • You will need your driver’s license and the last four digits of your of your social security
  3. If you need to register to vote:
    • The Voter Registration Application may be used for first time registration, name change, address change, and signature update.
    • You need to update your voter registration if
      • You moved after the 2020 election
      • Changed your name
    • Download and mail in your registration files  or 
  4. Wait for your ballot in the mail which should arrive around July 26
  5. Fill out your ballot. 
  6. Ballot must be received by 7:00 pm August 13, 2022