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Relay for Life Event on the Big Island of Hawaii

Relay For Life


Aloha Friends of HGEA, HSTA, UHPA & UPW,

For the past months I’ve been on a mission to get as much support I can for the upcoming Relay for Life of Kohala.  Being that our event will be in less than a week from now, this will be my last effort/email.  Our 80’s themed relay will be held @ Kamehameha park Sat. Aug. 15th – Sun. Aug. 16th with the opening ceremony commencing @ 5:45pm followed by opening lap @ 6pm.

Starting @ 6pm I, along with my awesome team members representing HGEA-Kohala Chapter on the Big Island, will be taking turns walking laps to CELEBRATE the lives of those dear to us who have bravely battled cancer & survived, to show their strength & inspire others to continue to fight; we will REMEMBER our loved ones lost to the disease & we will FIGHT BACK because we have been touched by cancer & desperately want to put an end to this disease that does not discriminate & which takes so much.

Times are really tough for all of us so my last request is to ask you to dig really deep into your pockets & consider donating $5.  It may not appear a lot but I promise, all together, it will be enough to make a BIG DIFFERENCE – it could save another life! To make a secure on-line donation, simply click on the link at the bottom of this page. It will send you directly to my RFL webpage.

My heartfelt MAHALO to everyone who has donated and supported my efforts to this great cause, it is awesome people like you that has made Hawaii Island for the past 6 years, received the top per capita award in its population category, something we all should be proud & take pride of!!

Lastly, to those on the island, plan to come down & support our team on the night of Aug 15th. Stop by & visit our tent for some fun games for the keiki’s, drink lots of Starbucks coffee to stay awake & try TJ’s mean portuguese bean soup then come again before the break of dawn to wake up your taste buds for a “broke da mouth” breakfast with more Starbucks:) Let’s get ready to relay!


Mahalo Nui,

Brian Alejandro

Co-captain, HGEA-Kohala Chapter

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