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UHPA Contract Provision Triggers EUTF Refunds for Faculty

The language requires the Employer to pay not less than the highest
percentage rate or monthly contribution for UH Faculty health benefit plans
that it paid for any other public sector bargaining unit heath premiums during
the same months. From July 1 to November 1, 2011, the United Public Workers
contract called for a higher Employer premium percentage than contained in the
UHPA contract, which triggered the “most favored nation” language.

Thanks to Article XXII in the UHPA contract, current and former UH
Faculty who were enrolled in the EUTF plan(s) (i.e., medical, drug, dental and
vision) during the period July 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011 have been
reimbursed up to a maximum of four (4) months of the dollar difference between
the negotiated UHPA and UPW premium amounts.

If you did not receive a refund check and think you should have,
contact your Human Resources Representative or the Office of Human Resources
(956-8643 or email