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National Education Association Representative Assembly(NEA-RA)

The NEA Representative Assembly will be held in San Diego, California from July 1-6, 2009. This is the annual meeting of the primary legislative and policy-making body of the NEA.

Any faculty member who is an Active UHPA/NEA member is eligible to be a delegate and must be nominated. Self nominations are acceptable.  Click here to print the Nomination Form.

  • Nomination forms can be submitted to UHPA by email, mail, or fax.
  • All nomination forms are due to UHPA by 4:30 p.m. on March 16, 2009.
  • Please ensure that if you are nominating a faculty member other than
    yourself that the nominee has consented to run.

The NEA constitution provide that “If the number of candidates for the delegate positions is equal or less than the number of delegate positions to be filled, elections may be waived, and the candidates declared elected to the delegate positions in question.”

The UHPA policy on Remuneration for Elected Delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly provides for “actual expenditures up to $800 stipends to the allocated number of delegates elected to the NEA Representative Assembly who serve as either a member of the UHPA Board of Directors, UHPA Faculty Representatives, or UHPA committee member.”

If you have questions, please contact the UHPA office at (808)593-2157.