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June 2008 Board Notes


Darrell Lim, CPA, of Darrell Lim and Company, reviewed with
Directors the audit report for UHPA’s fiscal year that ended on August
31, 2007.  Directors unanimously passed a motion to receive the audit report as presented by Darrell Lim and to thank the firm of Darrell Lim and Company for their thoroughness.



UHPA Treasurer Ming-Bao Yue reported that the union has gone
through eight months of the fiscal period and UHPA is in good financial
standing.  Directors unanimously passed a motion to receive the April 30, 2008 financial report.



Director Duane Stevens, former Chair of the UHPA Finance Committee, presented the proposed budget for fiscal year 2008-2009.  He explained the changes being proposed and answered questions raised by Directors.  Directors passed an amendment to change the title of one of the listings under 6.b. on page 5 to “Lobbyist Contract”.  After review of the proposed budget, Directors unanimously passed the motion to approve the FY08-09 budget as amended.

Directors passed a motion to renew the annual contract
with Radcliffe and Associates that would provide lobbying services by
John Radcliffe for up to the amount provided in the budget


Directors reviewed the proposed Charter for UHPA’s Executive Committee.  Earlier
it had been suggested that the Board’s web folder include a functional
calendar to allow time to evaluate and consider contracts that were
coming up for renewal.  Directors unanimously passed a motion to
amend the Charter by including under “Key Responsibilities and Tasks”
that the Executive Committee shall keep an annual agenda (calendar) as
to what items need to be brought to the attention of the Board of
Directors for action in a timely fashion
.  After review and discussion, Directors unanimously passed the motion to adopt the Executive Committee Charter as amended.



Since there is no requirement how many
meetings the Board of Directors must have during the fiscal year and
that the Executive Committee is authorized to exercise the powers of
the Board of Directors between regularly scheduled meetings, the number
of Board meetings was reduced from eleven to seven.  Instead
of meeting just prior to the scheduled Board meetings, the Executive
Committee will have their meetings on alternating months.  It was requested to include the Faculty Forum dates on the Board’s meeting schedule.  Directors passed the motion to adopt the proposed 2008-2009 Schedule of Meetings for the UHPA Board of Directors.  UHPA’s website will be updated to include the scheduled meetings for 2008-2009.



Directors unanimously passed the motion to appoint Belinda Aquino
(UH-Manoa) as the Faculty Representative for Primary Academic Unit 107,
representing faculty members in the School of Pacific and Asian Studies
.  Her term takes effect immediately and will expire on May 31, 2010.



UHPA received seven applications for the 20th
Annual Hawaii Great Teachers (HGT) Seminar, which is scheduled for
August 10-15, 2008 at the Volcano National Park on the Island of Hawaii.  The
Executive Committee reviewed all applications, considering their merit,
strengths, what they could bring back, and any additional information
provided.  Since the Board of Directors’ motion approved
up to $4,000 for this seminar, the Executive Committee felt four
individuals would be selected with each allotted up to $1,000.  Directors passed the motion to approve up to $1,000 for individuals Patsy Iwasaki (UH-Hilo), Denise Luker (UH-Hilo/Hawaii CC), René Sadae (Kapiolani CC), and Nel Venzon, Jr. (CRDG, UH-Manoa).  (NOTE:  UHPA
was recently notified that Denise Luker will be receiving a scholarship
from Hawaii CC to attend the HGT Seminar; therefore, the Executive
Committee has approved up to $1,000 to Jaime Crozier Garcia of Leeward CC to attend the HGT Seminar.)



Directors unanimously confirmed the motion passed during executive session to appeal the tenure denial case of a UH-Manoa faculty member to a Hearing Officer.



Directors were informed that reports would now be in written form and placed on the Board of Directors’ website folder.  Only Directors are able to view these reports.



  • UH-Manoa Director Robert Paull was the recipient of the 2008 Excellence in Research Award by the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.  Dr. Paull chairs the Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences and has been with the University of Hawaii for thirty years.
  • The next UHPA Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 23, 2008.
  • If you have more than one faculty member in
    the same household and you do not wish to receive duplicate mailings
    from UHPA, or if you do not wish to receive the hard copies of the
    Board Notes since it is also on UHPA’s website, please let us know by
    calling staff at 593-2157 or you may email