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HGEA, UHPA, and UPW Call for Delay in EUTF Open Enrollment

Randy Perreira, J. N. Musto, and Dayton Nakanelua have signed a joint letter to the Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund requesting that the current plans and coverage continue for the next six months and that the open enrollment, scheduled to end on November 30th, be cancelled.  The EUTF staff are over burdened and unable to properly carry out the current open enrollment.  Since major changes in the HMSA and HMA plans are being offered, beneficiaries need more information and assistance in making new choices.  The delay that the EUTF administrator foresees in the processing of new applications could lead to employee beneficiaries being unable to utilize their benefits in January.  Many of these problems stem from the Governor’s decision to not release funds or appropriated staff positions to the EUTF, and further, forcing the EUTF employees to also be furloughed despite sufficient administrative fees to cover the costs.