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Special Board Election for UH-Manoa



UHPA is conducting a special election to fill the remaining term of a Manoa Director who resigned. The term will last about one year from May 23, 2012 to the day before the May 2013 Board meeting. All UHPA members assigned to the Manoa campus are eligible to run and to vote.

Please note that the election process will be compressed in order to complete nominations and mail ballots before the end of the semester and seat the new Director for the June 2 Board meeting.

The Nominations Procedure is as follows:

§  You may nominate yourself or another UHPA member from UH Manoa.

  • If you want to be a candidate or nominate a candidate in this election, please notify UHPA Secretary John Wendell at by noon, Friday, April 27, to be considered for nomination by the Nominations and Elections committee.

§  Alternately, you can be nominated by a petition signed by at least 20 UHPA members from Manoa. The petition must be received by the Officer of Elections at the UHPA office by 4:30 p.m. , Tuesday, May 1, 2012. The UHPA office is located at 1017 Palm Drive, Honolulu, HI 96814.  Petitions may be hand delivered, or sent by facsimile to (808) 593-2160.  An email will be sent to acknowledge receipt of the petition.

§  The UHPA staff will confirm the validation of the signed petitioners as Active Members of the constituency.  If the petition does not have the required number of signatures of Active Members, it will be returned to the person who submitted it.  Therefore, it is recommended that petitions contain a few more than the number of required signatures in case any of the signers are not UHPA members. The petitioner is eligible to be one of the signers.

  • Candidates will have until 4:30 p.m. on May 3, 2012 to submit their Consent Form (go to:  A signed Consent Form must be submitted before a candidate’s name can be placed on the ballot. Submission of a biography and personal statement is optional.
  • On or before May 10, 2012, paper ballots will be mailed to the address UHPA has on file for Active Members at Manoa.  All candidates biographical information and personal statements, if available, will be included with the ballot.
  • Ballots must be received at UHPA headquarters by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, May 21, 2012.
  • Election results will be announced on or before May 23, 2012.