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How will you vote on proposed Con Amendments?

The League of Women Voters of Hawai`i has posted pro and con statements for the five proposed amendments at

`Olelo will also broadcast a series of discussion panels covering the constitutional amendments. The schedule for airing the discussion panels is as follows:

10/16 6:30pm #1 – UH Board of Regents Appointment Process

10/17 6:30pm #2 – Single Salary Commission

10/18 6:30pm #3 – Remove Mandatory Retirement Age for State Justices/Judges

10/19 6:30pm #4 – Sexual Assault of Minors Younger than 14

10/20 6:30pm #5 – Special Purpose Revenue Bonds & Impt Ag Lands

The first discussion panel will focus on the proposed amendment to change the process for selection and appointment of UH Regents. Retired attorney Frank Boas will speak in favor of the amendment and current chair of the UH Regents, Kitty Lagareta, will argue against the passage of the amendment.

All these programs will run on Channel 49 the week of October 16th through the 20th. Each panel will be initially aired at 6:30 pm on its respective night and rerun the following day at 6:30 am and noon. `Olelo will send the tapes to the neighbor island public access cable stations, but know the schedule for airing is not yet been published. `Olelo will soon also have streaming video of each panel, available continuously until the General Election.

Check the “VOTE! 2006” section of the `Olelo website at