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UHPA Contract: New Salary Provisions Effective July 1, 2011


The UHPA contract provides that all faculty members subject to the 6.67% temporary base salary reductions that occurred January 1, 2010 will have their base salaries restored to the December 31, 2009 rate plus any subsequent promotions or salary adjustments. Minimum annual salaries will be in full effect for faculty members subject to these base salary standards.

Faculty members hired between January 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011, whose salaries are paid from general, special, revolving or appropriated federal funds, shall have the 5% temporary base salary reduction restored on July 1, 2011.

There is an increase in Rank 2 minimum annual salaries which will be adjusted from $45,000 to $50,004 effective July 1, 2011.

Nine-month faculty members will have their base salaries restored at the start of the 2011-2012 academic year.

The lecturer fee schedule, non-credit fee schedule and faculty receiving additional credit hour compensation will have rates reset to those in effect August 1, 2008.

For the specific contract provisions go to Article XXI, Salaries.