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HB 543, Relating to the University of Hawaii.

House Committee on Higher Education
Thursday, February 5, 2015
2:00 p.m.

HB 543, Relating to the University of Hawaii.

Dear Chairman Choy and Committee Members:

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly opposes the adoption of this measure. The process of a state audit regarding faculty workload is one which requires specific expertise and resources that currently do not exist. The proposed measure delves into areas of which are most appropriately addressed within the University of Hawaii academic community and within the collective bargaining construct of Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 89 Collective Bargaining.

UHPA notes that the timing of the completed audit appears designed to bring tension and undermine the collective bargaining process envisioned in Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 89.

UHPA urges the Committee to defer this measure.

Respectively submitted,

Kristeen Hanselman
Associate Executive Director