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HB 555, Relating to the University of Hawaii.

House Committee on Higher Education
Thursday, February 5, 2015
2:00 p.m.

HB 555, Relating to the University of Hawaii.

Dear Chairman Choy and Committee Members:

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly opposes the adoption of this measure. The measure is imprecise in its application and definition of undergraduate degree granting programs. As a result, there can be unintended consequences regarding blanket elimination of program that would undermine undergraduate education.

Further, the measure asserts legislative micro-management into the University of Hawaii and its undergraduate education efforts on three campuses. The decisions on viability of program is more appropriately addressed within the University of Hawaii academic community under the auspices of the UH Board of Regents.

UHPA urges the Committee to defer this measure.

Respectively submitted,

Kristeen Hanselman
Associate Executive Director