
A Call for Heroes!

Some of Our #HeroProfs

[fusion_person name=”Jennifer Griswold” title=”Assistant Professor at the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management at the University of Hawaii at Hilo” picture=”https://www.uhpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/headshot-180×180.jpg” picture_id=”9932|full” linktarget=”_self” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” hover_type=”none” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_delay=”0″ pic_link=”/heroprof/dr-griswold/” pic_style=”dropshadow”]Jennifer, or Dr. Griswold as she is known by her students, is the newest faculty in the atmospheric sciences at the UH, and enjoys teaching Meteorology 101. Despite her experience with NASA research projects, she has not forgotten her roots and has not lost her love for teaching.[/fusion_person]
[fusion_person name=”Norman Arancon” title=”Professor at the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management at the University of Hawaii at Hilo” picture=”https://www.uhpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/normanCenteredCropped-180×180.jpg” picture_id=”9889|full” linktarget=”_self” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” hover_type=”none” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_delay=”0″ pic_link=”/heroprof/norman-arancon/” pic_style=”dropshadow”]Norman is using his expertise and extensive knowledge of composting, soil ecology, tropical fruit production and organic farming to address these issues in practical, concrete ways. His ultimate goal is to help Hawaii move toward more sustainable agricultural practices so that the state can become more self-sufficient.[/fusion_person]
[fusion_person name=”Harold Fujii” title=”Associate Professor – Hawaii Community College” picture=”https://www.uhpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/greenShirtsForBlogPost-180×180.jpg” picture_id=”9862|full” linktarget=”_self” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” hover_type=”none” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_delay=”0″ pic_link=”/heroprof/harold-fujii/” pic_style=”dropshadow”]Real-life heroes have a way of gaining the respect and admiration of others without any fanfare. Harold Fujii, a professor with the Automotive Mechanics Technology (AMT) program at Hawaii Community College in Hilo, fits that bill perfectly.[/fusion_person]
[fusion_person name=”Kevin Bennett” title=”Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Hawaii-Mānoa” picture=”https://www.uhpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/BennettSmile-180×180.jpg” picture_id=”10629|full” linktarget=”_self” show_custom=”no” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” hover_type=”none” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_delay=”0″ pic_link=”/heroprof/kevin-bennett/” pic_style=”dropshadow”]We are proud to showcase Dr. Bennett and his work on diagnostic research for the early detection of kidney disease, which is a major problem because of our prevalence of both diagnosed an undiagnosed diabetes in our islands.[/fusion_person]

Add Your #HeroProfs story!

Share your #HeroProf story with us

Mention the word, “heroes,” and our minds turn to images of those who fearlessly persevere despite the challenges that conspire against them. They brave new territory, climb mountains, even move mountains. They succeed despite the odds. Their attention to people assure us there are leaders who care. They lead by example and inspire all of us.

The Unsung Heroes

But heroes do not just reside in our imagination. The are many real-heroes in communities across Hawaii who are doing extraordinary things to make our lives better. They are the unsung heroes, the ones who work out of the limelight, and whose contributions we may overlook or take for granted.

Right here at the University of Hawaii

Many of these heroes are professors of the University of Hawaii system. The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly represents nearly 4,000 faculty who teach and conduct research at the 10 University of Hawaii campuses statewide. Each of them contributes to the well-being of our community by sharing their knowledge through instruction, by researching solutions to real-world challenges affecting our islands, and by volunteering their time to support numerous activities to benefit the community.

Who is your #HeroProf ?

Professors touch the lives of so many, yet may not receive the recognize they fully deserve. UHPA is proud to honor these heroes in the community, and we invite you to join us in sharing your hero professor story so that we can all celebrate their contributions as a community.