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COVID-19 Response Center2024-02-23T14:08:52-10:00

UHPA COVID-19 Action Center

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Public Unions Issue Joint Statement On Governor’s Vaccine Policy

The Hawaii Fire Fighters Association (HFFA), Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA), the Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA), the State of Hawaii Organization of Police Officers (SHOPO), the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA), and the United Public Workers (UPW) released the following joint statement in reaction to Gov. David Ige’s plan to impose a [...]

August 5, 2021|

Mandates Subject to Collective Bargaining

Mandates Must Abide With Collective Bargaining Protocols Any requirement imposed on University of Hawai‘i faculty as a new term or condition of continued employment must be freely discussed and jointly agreed to by the parties before the impact of these requirements can be enforced. This is the recognized standard established via the collective bargaining [...]

July 28, 2021|

UH Rescinds Return To Work Requirement

UHPA’s Negotiations Team has been working with UH over the recent weeks regarding policies concerning returning to work.   These discussions, now being led by Vice President for Community Colleges (VPCC) Erika Lacro are beginning to yield fruitful results and good collaboration, most recently noted by UH President David Lassner announcing that “The previously [...]

July 24, 2021|

UHPA Responds to Campus Reopening Plans

As UHPA continues to join with the UH administration to battle budgetary concerns created by the Senate, it is critical to ensure we remain in alignment with UH administration on other issues impacting faculty and students. It is imperative that we see eye-to-eye on the details of the campus reopening to move forward together. [...]

May 31, 2021|

Latest on vaccination requirements at UH

COVID-19 Vaccinations Required for Faculty? Vaccination required for students On May 17, 2021, University of Hawaiʻi President David Lassner publicly announced that it will add COVID-19 vaccination to its student health clearance requirements beginning in the Fall 2021 semester. The mandate for students means that to be on any UH campus, you must be [...]

May 24, 2021|

When will UH Faculty receive COVID-19 vaccinations?

UHPA has received a number of inquiries from Unit 7 Faculty Members about the State of Hawaii’s plans on the COVID-19 vaccination roll out and when Unit 7 Faculty Members can expect to be able to register and obtain a vaccination if they choose. Vaccine distribution is outside of our legal authority The State [...]

January 18, 2021|

Faculty Nominations

For those considered to be “Stepping Up” to the challenges brought about by the consequences of this outbreak

UHPA members of Department of Learning Design & Technology stepping up

Submitted Nomination: NameDepartment of Learning Design and TechnologyCampus, DeptLTECCategoryProviding Professional Development Regarding Online Learning Across the StateWhy is this faculty member worthy of your nomination?The LTEC department has risen to the occasion by providing training and resources to both the UH System and K-12 Schools across the state. Examples include: Open and live training [...]

May 1, 2020|

Lawrence Nitz Nominated as Faculty Stepping up to the Challenge of COVID-19

Submitted Nomination: NameLawrence NitzCampus, DeptPolitical ScienceCategorycontributing to safe reopening of Hawai'i's economyWhy is this faculty member worthy of your nomination?Dr. Nitz is working on a project to generate guidelines for the safe re-opening of Hawai'i's restaurants. This project contributes both to food security by calling on local sources and to economic recovery.Any other comments?Dr. [...]

May 1, 2020|

Joy K. L. Andrade nominated for addressing mental health issues

Submitted Nomination: NameJoy K. L. AndradeCampus, DeptJohn A. Burns School of Medicine, PsychiatryCategorythe top 3: dedication to teach; harm's way; innovationsWhy is this faculty member worthy of your nomination?Joy K. L. Andrade, M.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. She [...]

April 16, 2020|

Cheryl Maeda and Joyce Yamada nominated for making masks

Submitted Nomination: NameCheryl Maeda and Joyce YamadaCampus, DeptUH Maui (Cheryl - Fashion Technology Program Coordinator); Joyce (Faculty & Staff Development Coordinator, Associate Professor)CategorySewing custom-designed non-surgical masks for front line workersWhy is this faculty member worthy of your nomination?The UHMC Mask Making Project is led by Fashion Technology Program Coordinator Cheryl Maeda and includes mask [...]

April 16, 2020|

Robyn Tasaka nominated for creating online learning platforms

Submitted Nomination: Nominee nameRobyn TasakaNominee Campus, DeptUHWO, No‘eau Center (Student Learning Center)CategoryDedication to teaching and their studentsWhy is this faculty member worthy of your nomination?Robyn Tasaka has created online platforms for students to use as they learn from a distance and she implemented some of these practices before COVID19. The No‘eau Center remains open [...]

April 16, 2020|

Kawena Komeiji nominated for creating a check-in app for students visiting the library

Submitted Nomination: NameKawena KomeijiCampus, DeptUHWO, LibraryCategoryPutting themselves in harms wayWhy is this faculty member worthy of your nomination?Kawena Komeiji worked collaboratively with our IT Department to create a check-in app for students who still needed to visit the library in person, on March 23rd. She also created or improved on innovative technology platforms for [...]

April 16, 2020|