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COVID-19 Response Center2024-02-23T14:08:52-10:00

UHPA COVID-19 Action Center

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UHPA Members stepping up to the challenge – published

When the COVID-19 outbreak began, we asked you to nominate UHPA Members that were stepping up to the challenges.  We've published those on our COVID-19 status page and invite everyone to review those and also submit more nominations. We'll be publishing them on a regular basis.   Show Faculty Nominations (seen on lower right [...]

April 25, 2020|

Volunteer to help process unemployment claims

There has been an overwhelming amount of unemployment applications filed and despite the fact that the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations has added an additional 100 people to process them, they need volunteers to reduce the backlog so that families depending on unemployment compensation can receive those badly needed checks as soon as [...]

April 19, 2020|

UHPA Responds to Governor’s 20% Pay Cut Announcement

Aloha Bargaining Unit 7 Faculty: Yesterday, Governor David Ige announced a unilateral decision to impose a 20% pay cut for State employees, effective May 1, 2020. (First responders will receive a 10% pay cut.) Many UHPA members have expressed their outrage and confusion. We want to reassure you that the Governor has no legal [...]

April 15, 2020|

Handy list of shortcut links to COVID-19 State Resources

Governor David Ige’s – Third Supplemental Proclamation DLIR – How to Apply for Unemployment Insurance DOH – How to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 DOH – Up-to-date COVID-19 Hawaii Statistics DOT – Coronavirus Info and Resources DOA – Inter-island Travel Declaration Form DCCA – Landlord-Tenant Code Hawaii State Senate YouTube Channel To participate in [...]

April 9, 2020|

Tell us about faculty stepping up to the Coronavirus challenge

COVID-19 is creating difficult challenges for UH Faculty and we are rising to the occasion. All of us know someone who is going beyond the call, for example: extraordinary work with students and our community, putting themselves in harm's way, developing innovations to fight COVID-19, creating bio-based products to reduce the virus’s spread, increasing [...]

April 5, 2020|

Faculty Working From Home

Message from UHPA Executive Director Christian Fern and UH Vice President Don Straney on behalf of the UHPA-UH Joint Workgroup This message is to clarify the University's intent regarding its new "work from home" form and its application to University faculty. To reiterate, instructional faculty (including lecturers), research faculty, graduate assistants, and other faculty [...]

March 30, 2020|

Faculty Nominations

For those considered to be “Stepping Up” to the challenges brought about by the consequences of this outbreak