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UHPA Legislative Action Center

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Legislative News

UHPA Campaigns for Ed Case and Mufi Hannemann Now Under Way

Over the past few weeks, you may have seen UHPA’s commercials endorsing Ed Case for U.S. Senate on TV or hear them on the radio. In the coming weeks, neighbor island faculty will also hear radio commercials endorsing Mufi Hannemann for the U.S. House of Representatives.

July 20, 2012|Legislative|

Be a Permanent Absentee Voter

As the Spring 2012 semester comes to a close, you may have many urgent loose ends to tie up before you enjoy your summer. This year, there are many important elections whose outcomes can affect faculty and the rest of our state. Please make registering to vote in this year’s Primary and General Elections a priority. If you have already registered, consider signing up as a permanent absentee voter. It’s a convenient way to vote by mail, especially for faculty who may be too busy to get to the polls.

April 26, 2012|Legislative|

Notice of Class Action Settlement – UH Data Breach Lawsuit

The University of Hawaii has settled several lawsuits regarding possible data breaches at the University. Faculty members have received a notice of settlement. We have been briefed by the attorneys on the settlement and we believe this is a good result. There is no need to call the court.

February 23, 2012|Legislative|