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Full UHPA Funding Available for Union Women Summer Institute


Develop Leadership Skills & Network with Union Women

TEN Education Grants ARE AVAILABLE

to attend the 30th Annual Western Regional

Summer Institute for Union Women

Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu, June 16 to 20, 2011

Have you ever asked?   

  • How are other unions addressing the issues important to their women members?
  • How can I learn more so I can represent my members better? 
  • How do I engage other UHPA members in issues of importance?
  • How do we address the attack on public sector unions?

ATTEND the Summer Institute for Union Women from June 16 to 20, 2011.

There’s something for everyone – new or experienced union activists who want to learn new skills or enrich their union work by meeting with women from a wide range of unions and professions.  

Women from unions across the western U.S. and Canada will meet to share ideas, strategies, information and build solidarity. This leadership development institute, specifically for women, is always energizing, educational & fun. Over 20 UHPA women have attended past Institutes and enthusiastically recommend it. 

The Institute is hosted by a different university labor center each year and only comes to Hawaii every five years. SIUW 2011 provides a perfect opportunity for you to take advantage of a specialized union education program right here at home.

The UHPA Board of Directors has approved full funding for ten UHPA members on a first come, first serve basis. The funding will cover air and ground transportation and hotel, if applicable, as well as the registration fee, meals, parking for commuters and incidentals.

Please look over the Institute brochure. If you’re interested in the content, you’ll enjoy the Institute. 

How to apply:

  • Send your completed registration form found in the brochure to UHPA, 1017 Palm Drive, Honolulu, HI  96814, or fax it to UHPA at 593-2160. Do not send a check. UHPA will inform you as to whether your application has been accepted. If it has, UHPA will forward your registration to SIUW 2011 along with the registration fee and contact you with details regarding travel and hotel reservations if applicable.
  • DEADLINE: Completed registration forms must be received at UHPA by Friday, May 13, 2011.
  • For More Information: Adrienne Valdez (454-4781 /