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Contract Ask


Approved! The Contract is Ratified by 95.7% of BU07 Voting Members

What now?

  • All language within the newly-ratified collective bargaining agreement will be in effect as of July 1, 2017.
    • The current contract remains in effect until June 30, 2017, 11:59 pm.
  • UHPA was able to ensure that increased employer contributions for EUTF will be funded as of July 1, 2017.

When can we expect to get the raise(s) in the agreement?

Since the Legislature is not in session there are two possible routes to funding:

  • A special Legislative session is called and the Legislature agrees to place funding of the contract on its agenda. It then votes to fund the contract.
  • If there is no funding through a special Legislative session, then in December 2017 the costs for the contract are placed in the Governor’s Budget proposal to the Legislature.
  • If the Legislature approves the funding, salary increases will be paid retroactively.

What’s next?

  • UHPA is in regular contact with legislators regarding a potential special session.
  • Regardless of what happens legislatively, we are moving forward to implement all new language provisions (other than salary adjustments) in the collective bargaining agreement.
  • The new contract will be posted online after it is formally signed.