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Update on contract negotiations

On August 26th UHPA and the University of Hawaii and Governor’s Representatives met in a session to discuss contract negotiations.
Mr. Wesley Machida, Director of Finance for the State of Hawaii, presented the State’s outlook on the budget. It included a discussion of the $1 billion in excess revenue. The budget projection covered up to fiscal year 2021. And emphasized stress on any given budget that included a disaster and deep recession along with increasing reserve funds for retirement and health care for public employees.
The presentation was unsatisfactory because it ignored the needs of public employees in being granted any increase in compensation. The budget projections did not include employee increases in salary nor benefit premiums. Neither the state nor the University of Hawaii was willing to discuss any compensation for public employees.
The legislature will have their responsibilities in responding to this $1 billion surplus and the Governor’s intentions on how it should be expended.
Stay tuned. Much more to come.