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CLEAR Act, Introduced by Congressman Mark Takai

Aloha friend-

A college degree should be a down payment on a brighter future and a ticket to the middle class for students in Hawaii and across our nation. But for too many students this means taking on a crushing burden of student loan debt.

In 2015, the student debt load for Hawaii students was more than $24,000 per person. And it’s even higher in other states. Pursing higher education should not be a roadblock to opportunity.

That is why I introduced the Clarity in Lending for Education and Repayment Act (CLEAR Act). My bill would ease the burden of repaying federal student loans by allowing students to make payments each month based on the income they earn.

Will you stand with me, my co-sponsors and other legislators, to show your support for the CLEAR Act? By signing our petition today, you can help students get the education they need to secure a good job and a successful future.

Going to college is one of the best ways for young people to gain the skills they need for the jobs of the future. Passing the CLEAR Act is a major step forward in our effort to make that education a reality for more Americans.

I hope you’ll add your name in support of the CLEAR Act today, because education is not accessible unless it’s affordable.

Mahalo,                                                                                                                                                          Mark