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HB 1155, Relating to the University of Hawaiʻi

The House Committee on Labor & Public Employment
Thursday, February 2, 2017
9:00 am, Room 309


RE: HB 1155, Relating to the University of Hawaiʻi

Attention:    Chair Aaron Ling Johanson, Vice Chair Daniel Holt and
                     Members of the Committee

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) urges the committee to support HB 1155 that reinstates the authority and responsibility for all procurement contracts under chapter 103D, Hawaii revised Statutes, to the University President.

The ability of the University to expedite construction needs for repair and maintenance as well as new construction is essential to enhancing instruction and research. The physical conditions that students and employees experience influence recruitment and retention. For too long the need to remove impediments in procurement has languished resulting in repairs and replacement of buildings being delayed. The University President should have both the authority and the accountability for procurement.

UHPA urges the committee to support HB 1155.                                                                     

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristeen Hanselman
Executive Director