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Retroactive dues fix coming in Jan 5th paycheck

UHPA discovered that the University failed to deduct the appropriate dues from the retroactive paychecks issued on December 5, 2017. As a consequence of this administrative oversight, UHPA notified the University. The University has responded that faculty members will see a slightly higher deduction of dues in the January 5th payroll.

The University has assured UHPA that they will be notifying all faculty members of this event in order to prevent any surprises.

Below is a copy of the University’s notice sent to BU07 members on 12/08/17:

Subject: Notice regarding December 5, 2017 paychecks

This email is to notify members of the University of Hawaii
Professional Assembly that UHPA union dues for retroactive pay
increases were not assessed from the December 5, 2017 paychecks. The
retroactive portion will be deducted as required by law, rule or
agreement from the January 5, 2018 paychecks.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If there are
questions, please contact your respective departmental human
resources office.

Thank you,
Office of Human Resources