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SB 3 Relating to Public Employment (House)

The House Committee on Labor & Public Employment
The House Committee on Finance

Wednesday, August 30, 2017
1:00 p.m.

RE: SB 3 Relating to Public Employment

Attention:    Chairs Aaron Ling Johanson and Sylvia Luke,
Vice Chairs Daniel Holt and Ty Cullen and Members of the Committees

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) appreciates the consideration the legislature has extended to faculty members during this special session.  We respectfully request the Committee support passage of SB  3 which is a measure to appropriate funds for fiscal biennium 2017-2019 for salary costs for public employees in collective bargaining unit (7) and for certain employees excluded from collective bargaining.

UHPA requests the committee support SB 3.


Kristeen Hanselman
Executive Director