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HMSA video: Talk to your PCP

We are passing on a message from HMSA below with minimal editing:

EUTF Actives Open Enrollment has just ended, and it’s a perfect time for your membership to gear up for the new plan year. Plan selections have been made, but what’s next? Part of being healthy means seeing a PCP for regular check-ups and screenings.

We created another video for your membership on Talking to Your PCP.

To encourage our members to take control of their own health and well-being, the video answers questions like:

  • Have you checked in with your PCP on your goals for 2021?
  • Do you want to get back on track?
  • How can we help work on this with you to meet your health and well-being plans?

We hope this will encourage your membership to schedule their appointment with their PCP and make progress towards their 2021 goals.