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SB 3004 Prohibition on Smoking, Tobacco and Electronic Smoking Devices

The Committees on: Commerce, Consumer Protection and Health;

Higher Education; and Labor

Thursday, February 8, 2018

1:15  PM, Conference Room 224

RE: SB 3004 Relating to Health

Attention:  Chairs:  Rosalyn Baker, Kai Kahele, and Jill Tokuda; Vice Chairs: Jill Tokuda, Donna Mercado Kim and Kalani English and  Members of the respective Committees

The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) opposes SB 3004 relating to a statutory prohibition on smoking, tobacco use and the use of electronic smoking devices by any person on the premises of the University of Hawaiʻi.  The University already has the authority and the ability to prohibit smoking and the use of tobacco and electronic smoking devices as reference on page 2, line 13 regarding the UH executive policy E10.102.  The purpose of this bill is already being executed by the University.

UHPA opposes the passage of SB 3004.

Respectfully submitted

Kristeen Hanselman

Executive Director