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Collective Bargaining Standing Report going forward

This will be the default collective bargaining and retirement incentive plan update unless otherwise published

To reduce unnecessary traffic and redundancy of information from UHPA, you can assume that this report will be the same every week and therefore UHPA will only be publishing news and updates that are substantively different from the following weekly status items: 

  • Mid-term bargaining is on hold until further notice.
  • Governor Ige intends to delay furloughs until at least July 1, 2021.
  • Negotiations over a successor UHPA/BOR Unit 7 Agreement will continue until January 31, 2021 before the statutory impasse date of February 1, 2021.  
  • The UHPA Negotiations Committee and the Employer continues to meet every Monday.
    • We cannot share details about any negotiation specifics.
  • Retirement incentives:  UHPA has not received a formal response from the State’s Chief Negotiator Ryker Wada, Governor David Ige, and the State’s Attorney General over the draft MOU.  
    • We continue to remain hopeful that the Employer revisits this matter for further review and consideration.  

If there are any changes to the above or other items of interest, they will be published and sent out on the Monday report email newsletter.