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UHPA news from week ending 12/14

Bargaining Update

Mid-Term Bargaining and Proposed Furloughs

Please review “UHPA Stands Up Against Governor Ige’s Overreach” published and emailed on 12/11 at about 4:15pm. 

Successor Bargaining

Irrespective of the situation UHPA is facing with the Employer in mid-term bargaining, negotiations for a successor UHPA/BOR Unit 7 Agreement continues.  Another meeting is scheduled for this Monday, December 14, 2020.  As noted previously, the UHPA Negotiations Committee and the Employer are now fully engaged in discussing and deliberating over the various proposals.  Please visit the website for the latest information on this developing matter.

Retirement Incentive

While UHPA still has not received a formal response from the State’s Chief Negotiator Ryker Wada, Governor David Ige, and the State’s Attorney General over the draft MOU, we understand that the Employer may be revisiting the matter for further review and consideration.  While we have not received an official word of its outright rejection, we remain hopeful and optimistic in that the Employer may consider offering a type of retirement incentive.   Please visit the website for the latest information on this developing matter.

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