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Your concerns addressed at campus meetings

This week continues our campus meeting schedule (see below for details) and it’s the perfect chance for you to interact with UHPA Professional staff in a live Zoom environment. 

Our campus meeting agenda includes:

Each campus brings unique concerns and this is your chance to have yours addressed.

Have you registered for your campus meeting this week?

All UHPA members have been invited via email and if you did not receive yours, please email Kathy Yamashita directly. 

This week’s schedule:

  • Tuesday (4/13/21):
    • Kauai CC (Noon)
    • Kapiolani CC (3:00 p.m.)
  • Friday (4/16/21):
    • UH Manoa (Noon) – please note UHM attendees must register via the Zoom webinar link provided in the email.

Did you miss your campus meeting?

Depending on the response, we may make recordings available for those that could not attend.  Send an email to Kathy Yamashita and let her know of your interest and make sure to include your campus.

Last week (of 4/5/21) we visited:

  • Honolulu CC
  • Leeward CC
  • UH Maui College
  • UH Hilo
  • UH West Oahu
  • Windward CC
  • Hawaii CC

Mahalo for your great questions on important issues.

Every campus we visited last week provided great questions that surfaced important issues. We’re looking forward to the discussions this week and hope those at Kauai CC, Kapiolani CC & UH Manoa will join us!