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Hearts Going Out For Our UH Maui Ohana

Hearts Going Out For Our UH Maui Ohana

Aloha UHPA members:

This is a difficult time for all of us in Hawai‘i. It has been hard to watch the devastation from the wildfires occurring in Lahaina and other parts of Maui and not be moved with compassion and sadness. Many have lost loved ones and their homes. Their lives have been upended. Our hearts go out to all Valley Isle residents, including UH-Maui faculty, staff, students, and their families.

The Recovery Has Started

We still do not know the full extent of the damages on Maui. There are many questions for which we do not yet have answers. However, we know that it will take time and tremendous resources to help Maui rebuild and recover from this unprecedented disaster. We appreciate our state and congressional leaders for helping to expedite Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding for the Maui community. Many on Maui are continuing to work as safely as possible to restore the Maui community, a process that will take many years.

Where You Can Send Your Support

We know the Spirit of Aloha of Hawai‘i’s people always comes through in during these challenging times in mind and heartWe would like to direct UHPA members to support those on Maui by contributing to the following vetted nonprofit organizations:

Hawaii Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund

HCF is collaborating with state and county leaders, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and philanthropists to identify evolving priorities for Maui communities impacted by the fire. Visit Maui Strong’s website to make a donation.

The Salvation Army

As the fires continue to upend lives on Maui, the Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division is quickly responding with food, shelter, emotional and spiritual care, and other critical services. Visit the Salvation Army website.

Maui United Way

Maui United Way’s Fire Disaster Relief Fund offers immediate financial assistance through grants to nonprofits for relief efforts and directly to impacted families.

Maui Food Bank

Use this link to directly donate online

UH Foundation: Urgent Faculty and Staff Relief

To provide assistance to faculty and staff across the University of Hawai‘i System and the services that support them during unexpected and emerging situations. Use this direct link to help.

Send Physical Donations to the Hawaii State Capitol on Friday, Aug. 11, from 10 am to 2 pm

UHPA members on Oahu may donate toiletries, diapers, baby formula, toys, clothing, bedding, household goods, and non-perishable food for Maui residents at the Hawaii State Capitol. Drop off donations at either the Father Damien statue or inside the Capitol parking lot off of Miller Street. (Bottled water is discouraged at this time due to weight constraints)

For UHPA Members on Other Islands

UHPA members on other islands should watch for opportunities to donate to known established organizations and agencies within their own communities.

The Aloha Spirit – The Life Force – Will Get Us Through This

It has been the working philosophy of native Hawaiians and their gift to the people of Hawaiʻi.  We value our relationships and know each person is important to every other person for our collective existence.  Hawaiʻi’s people will come together to help our family and friends on Maui to make sure they know they are not alone in the face of this disaster.