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NEA Member Benefits Communication Update

1. Articles on NEA MB Products and Services (MCA): Kmart Offers Special Back-to-School Savings for NEA Members
2. Articles on NEA MB Products and Services (MCA): Enterprise Offers Special Benefits for NEA Members
3. Articles on NEA MB Products and Services (MCA): NEA MB Programs & Services Listing—2009-2010
4. Articles on NEA MB Products and Services (MCA):  Hot Deals and Discounts From NEA Member Benefits—July 2009 This monthly feature gives you the latest deals and discounts available to members. [Good for your e-newsletters (e.g., Member Matters), websites, and print pubs!]
5. Special Interest Articles (MCA):  Playing Catch-Up With Your Retirement Savings
6. Special Interest Articles (MCA):  Deciding to Refinance