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UHPA Announces 2020 Political Endorsements

UHPA’s Political Endorsements for 2020 have been published on our Candidate Endorsements page and we urge all UHPA members to support the relevant candidate in your districts.

Why you should support these candidates

UHPA has a strong and consistent presence in the State Capitol in the pursuit of issues important to our faculty and defense of the UHPA-BOR Collective Bargaining Agreement. The endorsed candidates are either friends of UHPA or for those not yet holding office, give us the confidence that they will be friends.  Your support of these endorsed candidates will strengthen UHPA’s position in all legislative matters.

Our endorsement process

The new Political Endorsement Committee met at the close of the Legislative Session to begin preparing for the second round of legislative endorsements. They began by establishing a questionnaire (member only access) that would be sent to all candidates requesting UHPA’s endorsement.  

Questions we asked

An email subsequently went out to all candidates who requested an endorsement with the questionnaire attached.  A followup email was sent to establish interview dates and times to be held during the week of July 13.  The candidates had approximately two weeks to review the questionnaire prior to the interview process. 

Interviews we held

The PEC deliberated on contested districts in which they interviewed more than one candidate for that district.  The PEC took every aspect of the interview into consideration prior to their decision.   It is important to note that UHPA has not always participated in every campaign in every House or Senate District throughout the years.