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UHPA Files Prohibited Practice for a Failure to Bargain Wages at Cancer Center

UHPA has requested that the Hawaii Labor Relations Board address the employer’s unilaterial implementation of wages through the UHCC Consortium, an entity that is not regulated by the employer. A number of UH administrators are on the Board of the Consortium and are agents of the University. The payment of wages through an external mechanism evades the employers bargaining obligations. It also denies UHPA income as allowed by law for dues deductions. Employees may have also have been deprived of ERS contributions which could cause a reduction in retirement income.

UHPA is seeking to establish the appropriate relationship between the Consortium and the Cancer Center. The  presence of a third party, which may exercise significant influence over the work and compensation of Bargaining Unit 7 members, violates the University’s duty to negotiate and attempts to limit the scope of bargaining with UHPA.

The Hawaii Labor Relations Board will establish a timeline for a hearing over the course of the next few months.

Read the Prohibited Practice Complaint