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UHPA Endorses Representative Cynthia Thielen, House District 50

Representative Cynthia Thielen

As a graduate of University of Hawaii, Manoa and the WSRSL, I’ve represented House District 50 (Kailua, Kaneohe Bay) in the State Legislature since 1990 and am Assistant Minority Floor Leader. I serve as ranking member of the Energy & Environmental Protection, Judiciary, and Water & Land Committees and am a member of the Ocean, Marine Resources & Hawaiian Affairs Committee. I also was prior Co-Chair of the Women’s Legislative Caucus and am a member of the Keiki and Kupuna Caucuses.

I am a strong advocate for our public school system, striving to ensure a healthy learning and working environment for students, teachers, and staff. I believe in strong early education, to give students a jumpstart and create engaged learners who are prepared for and eager to achieve higher education. I consistently vote to support school funding and reduce the teacher-to-student ratio.

In my support of UH faculty, I supported the establishment of the John A. Burns School of Medicine, served as a UH-Manoa Legislator in Residence, and participate in the WSRSL’s annual Moot Court.

As a member of the UH family, I work hard to support its faculty and students, and am very honored to receive UHPA’s endorsement.