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Recent Front-page Stories

Mahalo to Hawaii’s Teachers and Educators from McDonalds

UHPA received the following from authorized representatives of McDonalds and are passing it on to our members: Enjoy McDonald’s Hot or Iced Coffee + Two Cookies FREE from May 6-10! McDonald’s of Hawaii is thanking all educators statewide – during National Teacher Appreciation Week – for championing Hawaii’s youth and future leaders.   From May 6 (Monday) to May 10 [...]

UHPA Seeking Nominations for the 2024 AFT Convention

UHPA is seeking your nomination to fill five (5) delegate positions to the 2024 American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Convention.  The Convention will be held in Houston, Texas from July 22-25, 2024. If you would like to be considered for a delegate position, please submit a completed Candidacy Form by email:, in person, or by mail to 1017 Palm Dr. Honolulu, HI 96814.  We [...]

Last Chance To Register For The UHPA Annual Membership Meeting

Reminder to UHPA Members Notice of Annual Membership Meeting The University of Hawaii Professional Assembly will hold its 50th Annual Membership Meeting via Zoom webinar:   Friday, April 12, 2024 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. This is a reminder that as an UHPA member you were sent an invitation on 3/21 via email to join us for UHPA’s virtual Annual [...]

April 1 Marks UHPA’s Affiliation with AFT

Next Monday, April 1, marks the official first day of UHPA’s affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). This year also marks the 50th anniversary of UHPA as the exclusive bargaining agent of University of Hawai’i faculty. Protecting Faculty Rights; Expanding Our Impact “Tenure, academic freedom, and other rights have been enshrined in our carefully constructed faculty contracts, [...]

In Solidarity

Divide and Conquer Tactics Quelled Relentless attacks against UH faculty are disguised in different venues,as witnessed in a recent joint hearing held by the Senate Labor and Technology (LBT) and Higher Education (HRE) Committees. While the purpose of the hearing was to hear HB 2720, HD3, Related to Collective Bargaining, Senate HRE Chair Donna Mercado Kim used it as [...]

We Are Not Alone

Inside Higher Ed reported that UH’s Board of Regents controversy is one among others On March 14, 2024, Inside Higher Ed (an online publication that provides news, opinion, resources, events and jobs focused on college and university topics) highlighted in an article “Regents On The Hot Seat” that UH’s governing board controversy mirrors similar  events in Michigan, Arizona, and [...]