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AFT Affiliation Provides Great Value for UHPA Members

Dues Begin on April 2024 Everyone is looking for ways to stretch their budgets and seeking the best value for their money. We know that faculty is no exception. Now that UHPA is an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), you can expect a monthly $20.18 deduction each month, beginning in April.. That translates to a $10.09 [...]

AFT Higher Education

AAUP/AFT - FIGHT AGAINST INTELLECTUAL DIVERSITY As reported in Inside Higher Ed, “the Indiana General Assembly have now passed a controversial bill curtailing diversity, equity and inclusion programs and tenure protections in the state’s public colleges and universities—partly through shifting focus to what Republican lawmakers call “intellectual diversity.” Senate Bill 202 now awaits GOP governor Eric Holcomb’s signature or [...]


In a highly suspenseful vote, a divided Senate rejected Alapaki Nahale-a to a second term on the UH Board of Regents by a razor thin margin of 13 - 12.  A defeat can be viewed either as a loss or an opportunity.  We understand that there were at least 15 no votes before UHPAʻs Faculty Members started reaching out [...]

Demystifying Facts From Fiction

Graduate Assistants Claim 80% of Undergraduate Students Are Taught by GAs While UHPA supports the right for all public employees to have the ability to collectively bargain under the State’s collective bargaining law, statements that go unchecked can lead to unintended consequences that impact other parties. Most recently, Academic Labor United (ALU) claimed that 80% of all undergraduate students [...]

UH Budget Reductions – Our perspective

It goes without saying that starting your workweek with the news headline that State Senator Donovan Dela Cruz, Chair of the powerful Senate Committee on Ways and Means, had issued a directive to all State departments to reduce their budgets by 10% and 15% to cover the costs incurred for the extensive Maui wildfire response efforts was very troubling [...]

Research Must be a Top Priority

Our UH Faculty Have Spoken University of Hawai‘i faculty believe providing more support for research to maintain the UH’s R1 institution status should be a top priority for the next University of Hawai‘i president, according to an electronic poll taken by the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly (UHPA) from Feb. 5 to 13, 2024. UH Is One Of The Few [...]