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Status of Negotiations as of January 12, 2009

In attendance representing UHPA were President Chernisky,
Secretary Hayashi, and Executive Director Musto. Representing the state and UH
were Governor Lingle, President McClain, VP Morton, Regent Karr, the Governor’s
Policy Advisor Linda Smith, State Director of HR & OCB, Marie Laderta, and
the Governor’s Chief of Staff, Barry Fukunaga.

UHPA attempts to engage in discussions of a two year
contract that would include some language changes that are non-cost items and a
formula to adjust salaries when economically feasible over the next two years
was soundly rejected.

President McClain said there is no such thing as a non-cost
item. There is always a cost to someone.

The Governor indicated she is willing to amend her initial
offer to simply “roll over” the contract for the next two years whereby there
are no salary or benefit increases for two years.

Based upon this meeting there are two avenues currently
remaining for UHPA in these negotiations:

  • Agree to a two year contract with the exact
    language of the current contract or,
  • Continue to bargain and if there is no agreement
    before July 1st then the faculty will be without a contract while
    the impasse continues.

Another meeting with the mediator is being held on Monday,
January 12.

Download the PDF information regarding the proposed changes in the monthly premiums of the Hawaii Employer-Union Trust Fund’s health benefits.