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Reminder: Last Chance To Make Your Voice Heard For The Next UH President



Survey closes 5pm today

We need to process survey results in time for the BOR meeting on Friday 2/16. Please fill out this survey right now before 5pm today Tuesday 2/13. We made it very quick and easy to complete – will take less than 5 minutes.  

We Care About What Faculty Think

Finding a successor to UH President David Lassner when he retires at the end of the year is a top priority and in the minds of many UH faculty. In that regard, we’re asking all UHPA members to identify their priorities for the next UH president.  Take the survey now (opens in new window).

Results will be made public

The survey results will be aggregated and presented to the UH Board of Regents at the next BOR meeting on February 16 to ensure the collective voice of UHPA faculty members is heard in the search for the next UH president. We may also share results with the media.  

Let’s Get a Big Response

Please let your colleagues know about this survey and to strongly encourage them to participate. The voice, impact, and importance of UH Faculty need to be told for the benefit of the institution and the students and community it serves.  Your voices count so let them be heard.  It will only take about five minutes to complete. Mahalo for your support.

Karla Hayashi

President, UHPA