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April 2007 Board Notes


NEA Higher Education Director Sally Pestana expressed appreciation to those who participated in the website poll concerning IRS educator’s expense tax deductions.  She plans to convey the results of the poll to Senator Akaka this week.



  • The Memorandum of Understanding to put faculty members, who have not received their permanent residency status, on tenure track has finally been signed.  As noted last month, this will take effect in the fall. 
  • According to the 2003-2009 faculty contract, the duties of the Academic Chairs would be included in a system faculty handbook.  To date, a revised faculty handbook has not been initiated or constructed by any system administrator.  What has been received is a draft memorandum from UH Vice President for Academic Planning and Policy Linda K. Johnsrud dated March 23, 2007 to the Chancellors on a proposed revision to the current duties of Academic Chairs found in Board of Regents Policy 9-1a.(3).  Directors have been asked to review the proposal with their colleagues and bringing back their concerns to UHPA.  The document can be found at
  • President Tiles attended the Board of Regents’ meeting that was held at Kapiolani Community College on April 13.  The Regents’ meeting was devoted almost exclusively to reports presented, including the UH Centennial event, international education, and the sustainable development activities.



On April 11, Executive Director J. N. Musto and Associate Executive Director James Kardash attended a meeting with faculty senate members and Employment Training Center (ETC) faculty at Windward CC.  Director Roy Fujimoto was thanked for facilitating the meeting, which included discussion about student learning outcomes.  Another meeting with the ETC faculty is being planned tentatively for April 25.

The following day, they attended a meeting with lecturers at Leeward Community College.  Dottie Sunio, a 27-year veteran, coordinated the meeting, which centered on the issues relating to lecturers.  Drs. Kardash and Musto have also had conversations with the John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) faculty members.  There have been discussions with the nurses on issues relating to new salary systems for clinical faculty.  There was also a meeting with Gary Ostrander, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education and Interim Dean for JABSOM, and their fiscal officer as JABSOM is considering the expansion of a UH medical program.  Director Elizabeth Tam explained the current problems of insufficient numbers of professionals in the medical field and the need to integrate teaching, research, and practical medical practice into the students’ total educational experience.  She noted that many of the clinical medical faculty at JABSOM work 80 to 120 hours per week.  She credited dedicated physicians who volunteer their time at the hospitals to train students while taking a significant financial setback from their personal practices. 

Drs. Kardash and Musto also met on March 21 with division chairs, the dean of instruction, and others at UH-Hilo.  Due to their unique division and department structure, several issues were discussed and they clarified the procedures for review of contract renewals, tenure, and promotion.

Executive Director Musto reported that UHPA has received multiple requests to allow administrators to teach overload and summer session classes for compensation.  Administrators are not allowed to teach for compensation nor take other opportunities for bargaining unit work from faculty.  They may volunteer to teach courses under unique circumstances that are consistent with policies of the department.  The Executive Committee discussed this matter and believes the administration should not be permitted to teach for compensation while continuing to have administrative duties.  It was noted that 11-month faculty who want to teach overload or in summer session must take vacation or take without pay.

An important settlement has been reached in the arbitration case regarding Article IV, B. 3., which states that “Based upon the teaching demands placed upon the division or department by curriculum, the Chair, after consultation with division or department Faculty Members, will identify the total instructional workload requirements to be met for the academic year.”  The responsibility for the assignment of class schedules remains as one of the primary responsibilities of the Department Chair, and ultimately if there is a disagreement amongst the faculty in the department, the department chair must put together the class schedule.  However, the Department Chair must allow for the faculty to request certain teaching assignments, and if they cannot be accommodated, then the individual faculty members must be given an opportunity to discuss the assignment with the Department Chair before it is made, while recognizing that there are extenuating circumstances.  The assignment of courses should be equitable, and should not be made in a punitive manner.  For example, if a faculty member who has requested to teach between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. but is always assigned a 7:30 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. class by the Department Chair, without explanation, this may be considered punitive.  The issue of course selection and class scheduling time should be discussed by the department and the division, and the Department Chair is expected to carry out the policies of the department or division while meeting the course offering needs of the students.


In the absence of Treasurer Ming-BaoYue, Finance Committee Chair Joseph Chernisky reported that the annual audit for the fiscal year ending August 2006 would be mailed to Directors when they are completed. There were no extraordinary expenditures this past month. Directors discussed the anticipated revenue increases for the next two years and projected future scenarios that may or could affect the organization’s budget.  Directors passed a motion to receive the financial report for the fiscal period ending March 31, 2007 and to refer that report to the Finance Committee.



Two actions were recommended by the Executive Committee and acted upon by the Board:

  • Directors unanimously passed a motion to sponsor a Silver table at the UH Alumni Distinguished Awards Dinner that is scheduled for Wednesday, May 23, at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel.  Long-time UHPA supporter and legal counselor Thomas P. Gill will be honored with the UH Founders’ Lifetime Achievement Award.
  • Directors passed a motion to provide up to $3,000 for two UHPA members, excluding members of the Board of Directors, to attend the Summer Institute for Union Women at Berkeley.  President Tiles and UH-West Oahu Director Adrienne Valdez, who coordinated last year’s event in Hawaii, will work on a separate notice that will be sent to UHPA Faculty Representatives and UHPA committee members.  For more information, please contact Director Valdez at or you may check the sponsor’s site



Chair Tom Jackson informed Directors that Randy Perreira of the Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA) and Guy Fujimura of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) are co-sponsoring a fundraiser for Senator Clayton Hee.  The request came from the Hawaii State AFL-CIO because Senator Hee was instrumental in preventing the privatization bill that allowed public services to be contracted to private companies from being reauthorized.  After some discussion, Directors passed a motion to approve a contribution in the amount of $3,750 to the Friends of Clayton Hee.



Chair Adrienne Valdez reported that there were several elections going on.   On May 4, the ballots for the Board of Directors’ election will be counted.  It is important as newly elected members will be invited to attend the May 12 Board meeting and the election of officers and Executive Committee at large members will be conducted.



Directors were informed that the Finance Committee will be working on next year’s budget.  If committee chairs or Directors have any requests or changes that need to be considered, they were to contact Finance Committee Chair Joseph Chernisky at by April 27.



1.  Committee Appointments

Directors unanimously passed a motion to confirm the appointment of Earl Hishinuma (UH-Manoa-School of Medicine) as a member of the Collective Bargaining Committee.  His term begins immediately and will end on August 31, 2007.

2.   Support on Research Survey

Director John Wendell asked Directors to support a research survey that he and colleague, Susan Hippensteele, were conducting.  Although a motion had been made, he agreed to defer this to the May meeting as more time was needed to review the information.