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April 2009 BOARD NOTES



The 35th UHPA Annual Membership meeting was held prior to the Board’s meeting at UH-Manoa.  At that meeting, the results of the Board of Directors’ election were announced.  They are:

Leeward Community College………….. James De Ste Croix, Professor of English

Maui Community College
……………….. Vincent Linares, Professor of English

UH-West Oahu…………………………….. Adrienne Valdez, Labor Education Specialist, CLEAR

UH-Manoa………………………………….. Martha Crosby, Chair & Professor of Information & Computer Science

UH-Manoa………………………………….. Paulette Feeney, Program Specialist, Outreach College

UH-Manoa………………………………….. Jonathan Osorio, Professor of Hawaiian Studies

UH-Manoa………………………………….. L. Thomas Ramsey, Professor of Mathematics

UH-Manoa………………………………….. John Wendell, Professor of Accounting

Hawaii CC Director John Cole will be retiring from the University of Hawaii at the end of spring semester.  To enable UHPA to find a replacement for his unexpired term on the UHPA Board of Directors, Director Cole submitted his resignation effective April 26, 2009.  Directors thanked him for his contributions and service to UHPA with a parting gift and bid him fond aloha. 

Upon the resignation of Josh Cooper, the Bylaws state that whoever is elected will begin serving immediately.  Therefore, Vincent Linares was officially welcomed to the UHPA Board of Directors. 

Directors welcomed NEA Higher Education Director Sally Pestana.  She is planning to meet with Hawaii’s congressional leaders the early part of May, and she asked Directors to let her know if they wished her to pass on any stories or concerns to them related to issues facing their campuses. 

Executive Director J. N. Musto shared with Directors some of the topics that were discussed in a meeting with UH-Manoa Chancellor Virginia Hinshaw that morning.  The Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Administration, Finance and Operations Kathleen Cutshaw have been invited to address faculty at the UH-Manoa bargaining update meetings on April 29th and 30th. 

There was lengthy discussion about program cuts, health benefits, the Governor’s ideas about furloughs and the state budget. 

The UHPA Executive Committee took only one action on behalf of the Board of Directors.  They adopted the staff and attorney’s recommendation to appeal the grievance case of a UH-Manoa faculty member to arbitration challenging a denial of a special salary adjustment request based on salary inequities. 

UHPA President Chernisky conveyed the Board’s appreciation to Directors Brenda Cartwright and Adrienne Valdez for their work on the UHPA grants for the Hawaii Great Teachers Seminar.  They reported that two UHPA grants of up to $1,500 were awarded to Kristi Ayers and Barbara Briscoe, both of Leeward Community College, to attend the Hawaii Great Teachers Seminar this August. 

As a result of the survey responses from faculty members and feedback from Faculty Representatives, Chair Richard Nettell informed Directors that the Faculty Representative Committee reports the following suggestions:  1) There should be more informational meetings, perhaps on every campus. 2) There should be training workshops for Faculty Representatives so they have a better understanding of their role and responsibilities.  3) The composition of the Primary Academic Units should be reorganized or expanded.  4) The Faculty Forum should be open to include more faculty members and not be limited to Faculty Representatives. 

Chair Dennis Vanairsdale reported that the IFAC is currently working on UHPA’s budget for the next fiscal year, which will be presented to the Board for adoption in June.  They also reviewed the lobbyist contract of Radcliffe and Associates.  Directors unanimously passed a motion to approve the consultant contract with Radcliffe and Associates to provide lobbying services for a one year renewal beginning July 1, 2009, at the current monthly retainer of $5,000 plus applicable excise tax with modifications to further describe specific activities.  

Directors reviewed and unanimously passed a motion to approve the proposed Standing Rules and Procedures Governing the Nomination and Election of the UHPA Directors as amended on the floor. 

N&E Chair Sharon Rowe reported that in response to the Board vacancy created by the resignation of John Cole, she emailed the Hawaii CC Faculty Representatives to see if anyone would be interested in being a candidate. The Officer of Elections will notify the active UHPA membership of the procedure to be followed for placing an individual on the ballot. 

Directors reviewed and passed a motion to adopt the Standing Rules for the Elections of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee as amended on the floor 

Directors unanimously passed a motion that all standing or operating rules approved prior to the adoption and approval of the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of the UHPA and the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the UHPA, are hereby rescinded this date.  The Board of Directors, from time to time, may adopt new operating and standing rules as needed which are consistent with the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the UHPA.  It was explained that rescinding the rules was the most expedient way to deal with obsolete operational rules that are still in effect.  The motion pertains only to standing and operational rules, and no policies of the Board were eliminated. 

The UH Alumni’s annual awards dinner on May 7 at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel Hawaii Ballroom will be honoring UH President David and Mrs. McClain.  Directors unanimously passed a motion to approve the purchase of a standard table in the amount of $1,500 for the annual UH Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner. 

The election of UHPA officers were conducted at this meeting.  The Standing Rules and Procedures adopted earlier were followed.  Elected to office are: 

Office of President……………………… Duane Stevens, Professor of Meteorology, UH-Manoa 

Office of Vice President……………….. Dennis Vanairsdale, Professor of Business Education, Kapiolani CC 

Office of Secretary…………………….. Karla Hayashi, Instructor of English, UH-Hilo 

Office of Treasurer…………………….. Adrienne Valdez, Labor Education Specialist, UH-West Oahu 

Except for the President, who serves an initial two-year term, all officers immediately begin serving one year terms.  

Following the Standing Rules and Procedures adopted, the slate of newly elected officers was placed on a ballot for election to UHPA’s Executive Committee.  All officers were elected to serve on the Executive Committee. 

The Executive Committee is comprised of seven members.  The nominations and elections for the remaining three at-large seats were conducted.  Elected to serve with the four UHPA officers on the Executive Committee are:  Brenda Cartwright, Associate Professor of Kinesiology & Rehabilitation Science, UH-Manoa; Paulette Feeney, Program Specialist, UH-Manoa; and Vincent Linares, Professor of English, Maui CC.  Executive Committee members’ terms are effective upon their election and they serve until the next annual election.#