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December 2006 Board Notes


 Directors met in committee of the whole with Attorneys Jeff Piper and T. Anthony Gill.  They discussed the state’s non-profit laws, non-profit organizations and unincorporated associations, physical and proxy voting, etc.  Directors were asked to consider what the union means to them and the membership, and to consider the values that make UHPA useful and whether they can be accommodated through the updated non-profit laws.  An inquiry was made about electronic voting, which is not currently allowed under the state’s non-profit laws.



  • Directors met in Executive Session to discuss matters pertaining to expectations for the professional conduct of Board members and the appropriate use of the trademark “UHPA.” 


  • Directors met in Executive Session to consider the Step 3 request from staff.  They passed a motion to appeal the grievance of a UH-Manoa faculty member to arbitration for violation of Article XVIII, Disciplinary Action.


  • The Executive Committee reviewed the proposal from Director Josh Cooper to bring students from Maui Community College to Honolulu, which is being modeled to Director Lou Zitnik’s project.  The Executive Committee indicated that reference to Hawaii CC and Director Zitnik should not be included in the proposal as it gives the impression they are also requesting funding.  Directors passed a motion to approve $800 for the Spring 2007 project contingent upon a revised proposal from Director Cooper.  The Executive Committee recommended that an ad hoc committee be established to look more broadly at setting aside funding guidelines for future requests of this nature.  The ad hoc committee would be charged with determining how funds would be made available to all campuses, what the criteria and procedures would be used in selecting proposals, and the establishment of a selection process. 


  • President Tiles reported that the Executive Committee considered the faculty housing issues that were raised at the last Board meeting.  Information from the University was circulated to Directors, including the report from the UH-Manoa Faculty Housing Association.  Based on the FH Association recommendations, the Executive Committee has concluded that in looking at the broader context, they would recommend against the motions proposed, but withdrawn, that would change the criteria applied to the current faculty housing in Manoa if they are re-introduced.


  • In August, Directors approved the following proposed amendments to UHPA’s Constitution and By-Laws.  Since the issue of Hawaii’s not-for-profit law was brought to the Board of Directors’ attention, the proposed amendments were not published for the membership’s consideration.  Directors reconfirmed their decision and passed a motion that the proposed amendments would take effect immediately upon ratification by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the ballots cast by UHPA members.  Under separate cover, UHPA members will be sent the proposed amendments and after sixty days, members will be asked to vote by secret ballot whether they approve or disapprove the changes.



Directors received copies of an updated report from AES Design Group, Inc. on the renovation and addition to the Akala Lane property.  The plans to connect and renovate the two offices into a new UHPA office building are moving forward.  Once the formal plans are prepared they will be submitted to the City for building permit approval.  The architects revised estimate of the project costs were less than originally approved, coming in at approximately $315,000.  The project will likely take 12 to 18 months until completion.



Directors unanimously passed a motion to establish an Ad Hoc Special Projects Committee.

Directors unanimously passed a motion to confirm the appointments of Lou Zitnik (Hawaii CC) as Chair and Joseph Chernisky (Leeward CC), Jerome Comcowich (UH-Manoa), Joshua Cooper (Maui CC), and Thomas Jackson (UH-Manoa) as members of the Ad Hoc Special Projects Committee

Directors unanimously passed a motion to confirm the appointments of Maggie Bruck (Maui CC), Jeffrey Zuckernick (Kapiolani CC), Peter Rappa (UH-Manoa), and Lisa Rosenlee (UH-West Oahu) as members of the Nominations and Elections Committee.

Directors unanimously passed a motion to confirm the appointments of Susan Hippensteele (UH-Manoa), William Puette (UH-West Oahu), and John Wendell (UH-Manoa) as members of the Grievance Committee.