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Important Information: Faculty Need for Private Email Addresses

Personnel and Grievance Matters—Keeping the Attorney-Client Privilege

Recent American Bar Association ethics opinions indicate that lawyers have a duty to try to keep client communications secure. Employer owned servers allow the employer to readily access any communications.  UH has no obligation to disclose they have accessed the employees email and can compromise the attorney-client privilege.
UH access to faculty correspondence can harm the ability of UHPA to represent faculty members and maintain confidentiality on grievance and other personnel matters.

UHPA cautions that use of employer provided equipment can also compromise confidential correspondence. Even where faculty has a private email account use of the UH equipment and server can be accessed. It is recommended that home computers and private email addresses be used at all times for personnel and grievance related correspondence. While UH has Wi-Fi access on campus it may require a UH password which can be noted by the employer and be tracked to their equipment.

State Ethics Restrictions on Use of Employer Provided Communications Systems

UHPA cannot use an employer provided communication system to provide UHPA members information regarding legislative activities and electoral politics. Employees are also restricted from communications regarding electioneering and lobbying efforts.

UHPA wants to keep members informed on legislative efforts that address the interests of faculty. A private email address is necessary for these communications to take place.

G-Mail: It’s easy to set up an account and it’s free

Simply click here to set up a private email account. Please send your new email to so UHPA can update your file and you can begin receiving UHPA information.

If you have questions, please contact UHPA at 593-2157 or email us at